Islamic hoaxes

Islamic hoaxes are hoaxes, including forgeries, related to Islam. These hoaxes are typically the object of criticism of Islam, criticism of Mohammad, and criticism of the Quran.
Satanic Verses
John Burton proved that the Satanic Verses were invented by Muhammad ibn Ka'b. According to Alford T. Welch, the Satanic Verses redacts sura 53:1-20 with the end of the sura.
Surah of Wilaya and Nurayn
Al-Nurayn and Al-Wilaya, or the Shia Suras, are forged parts of the qurans, and are rejected by Shia Muslims.
Allah as a lunar deity
Belief that Allah began as a pagan moon god was invented by Hugo Winckler, when he mistook Allah for Hubal.
Sexual jihad
Belief that Muslim women offer themselves as sexual partners to militants began with the pseudepigrapha fatwa Jihad ul Nikaah.
Belief that Muslims must attack non-Muslims has no basis in sharia, as it violates Islamic military jurisprudence.
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