Ipod docking

iPod Docking is a feature provided by many audio/video systems (like, TV, Home theater systems) to connect and browse iPod on the host device. After docking the iPod to the host device the device shows iPod menu on its display and user can select music to play. The music shall be audible on the host device. Similarly video and photo can also be viewed but they are not so widely supported.

Underlying technology

The technology used to play music from iPod to host device is a proprietary mechanism of Apple Inc. Implementation of this technology requires paying royalties to Apple. This might be one of the reason that iPod docking is not widely supported.

Type of Devices supporting iPod Docking
(This list is very small and in actual market there might be a large number of such products)
*LCD TVs, e.g. some models from Samsung
*Home theater systems, e.g. Some models from LG.
*Music systems, e.g. some models from Panasonic.
*Standalone docking device.

In the future more and more device shall support iPod Docking as iPods are becoming increasingly popular. This feature is not supported by some older versions of iPods.

Problems with iPod Docking
The iPod does not seem to behave well in docking mode and there seems to be some issues while browsing a docked iPod.
See the links mentioning problem

iPod models that do not support Docking
*iPod shuffle

User experience
The user shall be able to browse iPod and listen/view iPod contents on host device. This user can see music in classified menus. Like user can browse using genres, Albums, Songs, composers etc. However iPod docking does not seems to be an impressive feature and just is a fancy one. Some user might find this feature useless. This iPod docking can be a great features for those who buys music and videos using there iPods. The videos can be viewed on big systems. One other good thing about iPod docking is the iPod get charged when connected to such dock.
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