The Integrated Pest Management Innovation Lab (formerly IPM CRSP) a collaborative research support program funded up by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
IPM objectives
The IPM CRSP seeks to:
* describe the technical factors that affect the development and adoption of pest management strategies
* describe the social, economic, political and institutional factors that influence IPM
* collaborate with U.S. and host country institutions to design, test, and evaluate participatory IPM strategies
* collaborate with U.S. and host country institutions to promote training and information exchange on participatory IPM
* collaborate with U.S. and host country institutions to foster policy and institutional changes in favor of IPM development and implementation
The IPM CRSP focuses efforts in areas that provide the most return on investment. With its applications to agriculture, environment, trade and gender equity issues, the IPM CRSP creates a pathway of development through two major schemes: global theme programs that deal with worldwide pest management challenges, and regional theme programs that address the needs of specific areas.
Regional Programs
The IPM CRSP focuses efforts in areas that provide the most return on investment. Under the Regional Themes Programs, the IPM CRSP addresses geographically delimited interventions. Although these programs are limited to specific areas, the CRSP has strategically selected programs from a range of geographic regions: Latin America and the Caribbean, East Africa, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, West Africa, and Eastern Europe.
IPM in Latin America and the Caribbean: Crops for Broad-Based Growth and Perennial Production for Fragile Ecosystems
* IPM programs for solanaceous plants, cucurbits, diversified highland vegetables, cacao and plantain.
Regional IPM Program in East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
* IPM for improving productivity of high-value horticultural crops in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
Ecologically-based Participatory IPM for Southeast Asia
* IPM in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam—countries with large agricultural sectors and ecological hot spots for biodiversity loss.
Ecologically-based Participatory and Collaborative Research and Capacity-building in IPM in the Central Asia Region
* Working with human resource development, networking and training programs to strengthen institutional IPM-training capability within the region.
West African Consortium of IPM Excellence
* Creating a Regionally-integrated IPM research program in Mali, Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Guinea and Senegal.
IPM for Specialty Crops in Eastern Europe
* Development and implementation of IPM programs in Albania, Moldova and Ukraine to decrease pesticide use in target crops, slow development of pesticide resistance, reduce resurgence of secondary pests, decrease pesticide exposure risk to humans, and improve marketing position of local agricultural commodities.
Global Theme Programs
Management of the Weed Parthenium
* Development of a weed management system to reduce the impact of this worldwide scourge on humans, crops, livestock and plant biodiversity in eastern and southern Africa.
International Plant Diagnostics Network (IPDN)
* Development of plant disease diagnostic capacity by creating labs in three regions: West Africa, East Africa, and Latin American and the Caribbean.
Integrated Management of Thrips-Borne Tospovirus in Vegetable Cropping Systems in South Asia
* Minimizes crop losses due to thrips-borne tospoviruses in smallholder vegetable farming systems in South Asia.
Collaborative Assessment and Management of Insect-Transmitted Viruses
* Develops integrated management stratgies to control virus diseases and insect vector populations.
Applications of IT and Databases in IPM; Development of Global IPM Tech Database
* Applies IT to IPM issues in developing countries and develops a database.
IPM Impact Assessment
* Develop impact assessment for each regional and global program, assesses IPM priorities, achievements, and benefits.
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