Interstellar Network News

Interstellar Network News (ISN) is a fictional TV news network in the Babylon 5 universe. ISN was modelled on real-world news outlets, such as CNN. In the Babylon 5 fictional universe, ISN is the sole Earth broadcaster, based in Geneva, and is featured in many episodes such that the changes in tone are readily discerned as the show progresses.
As the series unfolds, ISN evolves from a free press to a blatant propaganda organ. In the final episode of Season 2, ISN broadcasts, unedited, Lt. Keffer's footage of a Shadow vessel attacking him in hyperspace, but the public reaction to ISN after it returns is more skeptical.
The season 4 episode, The Illusion of Truth is a frank study in propaganda. Rather than a traditional episode format, the Babylon 5 command staff grant interviews to an ISN news team.
Following the Earth Alliance Civil War, the ISN anchors removed in Severed Dreams are returned to the air in Endgame. but actually being shown twice as long as a 'real' subliminal ad, in part to avoid running afoul of the actual laws regarding subliminal broadcasts.
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