International Homeschooling Day

The International Homeschooling Day is October 1st.
On this day homeschoolers around the world celebrate their way of life. They organise special field trips, meetings and events.
Homeschooling has a long history, in all parts of the world. Parents chose to homeschool their children for a variety of reasons (religion, alternative education, world schooling, home location, school system). On this day homeschoolers (unschoolers, curriculum schoolers, world schoolers, nomad schoolers, and other homeschooling families) contribute to more awareness on the benefits of homeschooling as opposed to public schooling.
The first edition will be held October 2019. Millions of homeschoolers around the world are invited to join the celebration. The International Homeschooling Day is initiated by the European Homeschooling Foundation.
Homeschooling in various ways, is more and more popular around the world. In several countries there is different legislation: Legislation homeschooling around the world.
Before public school systems arrived, homeschooling was the only schooling to give children a form of education. The privileged families who could afford tutors and teachers raised their children being taught a variety of lessons in history, art, literature, astronomy, science and music.
In the United States, about 1.7 million children are homeschooled as of 2016.
Homeschooling has been associated with religious views in the 20th century. In the 21st century however, more and more parents chose to homeschool because they do not see the public school system can provide the education their children need. The online world that has been created on the internet, provides endless options for good and often free education. The number of websites offering online classes are showing significant growth. Several online education programs are Khan Academy, Google and Youtube are major sources to use when you homeschool.
is also among the sources families use to know more about a topic of their interest.
An organisation founded to educate gifted children and twice exceptional children via homeschooling is Gifted Homeschoolers Forum. This international education platform was founded in 2003.
On social media many influencers share tips, tutorials, videos how to homeschool or how to make choices what type of homeschooling is best for your family. Many homeschool parents are youtubers or homeschool bloggers and give lots of information on different aspects of homeschooling.
Unschooling is a way of learning when children follow their interests. No curriculum is used, no tests. Education is life itself, the world around you. Parents who chose unschooling to raise their children, believe in the ability of children to learn naturally. They do not have faith in the school system, where you learn 'as told'.
Famous homeschoolers
On a list of successful people , who were homeschooled, are Emma Watson, Christina Aguilera, Serena & Venus Williams and Justin Timberlake.
Many American presidents were homeschooled as were Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Agatha Christie and Louis Armstrong.
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