Institute of Global Concern

Institute of Global Concern (IGC) () traces its origin to 1977 and the Indochina refugee crisis. A part of Jesuit Sophia University, Tokyo, it now works, among the university community and society at large, to raise awareness of the impact of globalization especially on the poor.
IGC strives to foster a sense of the dignity and solidarity of all the world's peoples by sponsoring research, symposia, and other activities leading to greater understanding and action.
IGC sponsors surveys and research into global problems of poverty and violence, along with events such as lectures and seminars. It works in solidarity with the needy, and forms networks within and outside the University.
Recently published Sophia symposia proceedings include the following:
*The Role of the University in the Age of Globalization: Can Education Bring About Social Renewal? 31st International Symposium. Tokyo: GYOSEI, 2013. .
*Counter-movements to Globalization and the Possibility of an Alternative World. 29th International Symposium. Tokyo: Gendaikikakushitsu, 2010. .
*Globalization, Poverty and Social Exclusion in Developed Countries: First-hand Perspectives on the Homeless, “Freeters,” and Migrant Workers. 27th International Symposium. São Paulo. .
Evidence of coverage in the media is abundant on the web, mostly in Japanese.
Special activities
Since 1977 Sophia Relief Service (SRS) has held an annual charity bazaar for the benefit of Southeast Asian refugees. Another IGC work, Giving a Hand to the World’s Poor, raises consciousness and promotes research on behalf of the impoverished worldwide. Surveys and studies are published in “Sophia Relief Service”, a twice-yearly report.
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