Inky Gibbens

Inky Gibbens is a British-Mongolian multilingualism advocate. In 2016, she founded Tribalingual, a startup teaching online language classes. She speaks four languages (English, Russian, Mandarin, and Mongolian) fluently.
Gibbens has an MA in the Social and Political Sciences at Glasgow University and MRes in Anthropology at Aberdeen University, focusing on the Buryats in Siberia. She was born to an English father and Buryat mother.
While working on her PhD in sociolinguistics, Gibbens realized that the language of her ancestors, Buryat, was classified as an endangered language. "The only way I could learn the language was by going to Siberia," she realized. She then created Tribalingual, a startup to help people learn endangered languages to help connect learners to resources in those languages. She has also given a TEDx talk on the project.
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