Initiative for Global Access to Medicines

The Initiative for Global Access to Medicines (IGAM) is a McMaster University-based organization that actively works to improve access to medicine through mobilizing Canadian politicians and stakeholders. They are known for advocating in favor of low-cost legislative interventions which incentivize the research, development and distribution of pharmaceutical products targeting rare and neglected diseases. They have also spoken in favor reforming Canada's Access to Medicines Regime (CAMR) and have worked to promote the Health Impact Fund (HIF).
Previous and current work
As of November 2013, IGAM's main project involves advocating for a Priority Review Voucher (PRV) system in Canada. The system has been previously implemented in the United States. In 2013, the organization had talks with members of Health Canada and the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders to discuss inserting legislation into the upcoming Canada Orphan Drug Framework scheduled to be passed in early 2014. The organization has also spoken in favor of reforming the Canadian Access to Medicines Regime, which it argues is ineffective.
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