The game of 'In my pants' is a popular, yet somewhat strange, game that is played all over the world by many different cultures. This game is different to most, as it frequently doesnt have winners or losers. You can find the game being played at a vast number of online forums, as well as notable TV appearances, How to play The original idea of the game is to say the name of a movie title, and follow that with the words 'in my pants'. An example might be 'The hand that rocks the my pants'. The main 'goal' of the game is to come up with the funniest film name that fits in well with the statement 'in my pants'. Variations Of course, the game itself is not limited to just movie titles, but can use song names, bands, games, quotes, the list goes on. Different varients can be found all over the internet, where people play them. Most online games take place on forums, yet there is also an in my pants website where users can add their own concoctions. Winning There isn't really any winners or losers in the game, but it can be said the person who has come up with the funniest suggestion during the course of the game, is the winner.