
digitalML (now known as ignite API Product Management Platform) is a collaborative, multi user enterprise repository created by digitalML used by Integration and API management teams in Fortune 500 and large Government organizations. igniteXML manages Canonical Models and generates model compliant XML schema for use in middleware messaging or other enterprise integration patterns that require model compliant XML schema.
igniteXML is focused on solving two of the major challenges found in enterprise integration. The first challenge is management of enterprise integration models and industry standard frameworks (List of XML schemas. The second is generation of model/framework compliant XML schema. While primarily designed for use with Service-oriented architecture, igniteXML supports other message based integration patterns such as Enterprise Application Integration (EAI).
• Canonical Model management and governance
• Industry Standard XML Framework extensions, management and governance (List of XML schemas)
• Semantic Modeling
• Import of data model, XSD, and WSDL to create or enhance models
• Metadata and Taxonomy overlays for managed objects
• Collaborative, multi-user management with role based security
• Lifecycle management, version control, approval process
• Extensive search capabilities to discover usage of managed objects throughout
the enterprise integration environment
• Impact Analysis of changes to managed objects
• Generation of model compliant XML schema though a browser
based interface
•XML editor and integrated development environment
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