Ian Lawton

Ian Lawton is a British researcher and author specialising in ancient history and spiritual philosophy. He is the architect of Rational Spirituality.
Ancient History and Esoteric Research
His first book, Giza: The Truth (Virgin, 1999), was co-authored with Chris Ogilvie-Herald. After years of increasingly hysterical speculation about the age and purpose of the Great Pyramid of Khufu in the run up to the millennium, this book was hailed as "an excellent example of a more sober approach". It has gone on to sell more than 20,000 copies worldwide, and has developed a reputation as a prime source text for those interested in gaining an in-depth understanding of the monuments at Giza.
As a by-product of this research Lawton also set up a discussion page on his website on which he published debates between himself and various alternative researchers - such as Robert Bauval on his Orion Correlation Theory, and Robert Schoch on the age of the Great Sphinx of Giza.
Lawton's second book, Genesis Unveiled (Virgin, 2003), has been described as containing "remarkable new insights into the spirituality of the pre-flood human race", and has sold over 10,000 copies worldwide. In general it cited ancient texts and traditions from around the globe to support the idea of an antediluvian race of high spirituality whose descent into decadence and materialism was halted by a global catastrophe some 11,500 years ago. However Lawton rejected the popular revisionist idea that this race had mastered high levels of technology. And in particular he put forward two new postulations:
*He found a collection of global references in "creation of man" texts to multiple attempts to create a successful human. These he interpreted as veiled references to initial attempts by relatively advanced, human-type souls to incarnate in pre-human, hominid forms. He argued that these early attempts were described as unsuccessful because these forms were insufficiently advanced from a physiological perspective to play host to such souls.
*He found widespread references in all the most ancient and sacred "creation" texts and traditions right around the globe to the origins of everything lying in the "deep/waters/void/chasm/abyss", which contain the "potential/seed/embryo" that is activated by the mere "will/word" of the ultimate creative force. He argued that this consistency indicated that they all originally came from a single source of highly esoteric understanding, whether physical or nonphysical.
As a by-product of this research Lawton also published a number of papers about the ancient Mesopotamian texts, as well as being a vocal critic of the "ancient astronaut" interpretation put forward by alternative writer Zecharia Sitchin.
Spiritual Research
Lawton introduced the idea of Rational Spirituality in The Book of the Soul (RS Press, 2004). The "regression therapists" and were quoted on the cover calling it "masterly and scholarly" and "a book that intellectuals need not be ashamed of having on their shelves".
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