I-mag teen magazine

i-mag (acronym of Internet Magazine) is a free online non-profit English magazine founded by editor Jack Howson and others in April 2006. i-mag reflects views of teenagers from across many cultural situations and locations, and aims to reproduce these views through the publication of the online magazine. i-mag reflects a collaborative teamwork theme based on volunteering; as the editorial board consists of youth from around the world, who gather together online to maintain and upkeep the site.

i-mag's slogan is 'by you, for you' - meaning that the magazine is the magazine of young people, and they are responsible for their contribution to the site.


i-mag's website states:
:i-mag is a revolutionary internet magazine for young people on the east coast. We base articles around English topics, but we have international reporters writing for us under a non-discriminatory policy. The thing that makes us different is the fact that we decide everything that happens - so far, no adults have been involved in the design or editing of i-mag, and no adults ever will.
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