
HyperGraphDB is an open source graph database inspired by the design of the OpenCog AGI architecture. It runs on top of the Berkeley DB key-value storage system.
While mathematical hypergraphs are the core of HyperGraphDB's storage model, the system generalizes the notion even further by allowing edges to point to other edges. This allows for higher-order relationships to be naturally expressed. The notions of a node and an edge in a graph are thus unified into the single notion of an atom with arity >= 0. Furthermore, each atom can carry a value of an arbitrary type where types are managed by a type system itself represented as a hypergraph.
Building on this foundation, the implementation provides several practical applications such as a Java-based object-oriented database, storage of the Topic Maps, the WordNet lexical database and simple reasoning via the TuProlog Prolog interpreter.
HyperGraphDB's development was initiated by Kobrix Software based on a set of requirements from the OpenCog project.
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