Houston Hodges

Houston Hodges (1930-present) is a retired ordained Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) Minister of the Word and Sacrament. He is the author or co-author of three books, Circle of Years: A Caretaker's Journal, The Lessons: Fifty Years if Ministry from the Outside In, and
Faith Alive, Interactive Worship for the Great New Church. In addition has produced several audio-cassettes, published  through Austin Theological Seminary.
In 2016, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Presbyterian Writers Guild (PWG) for “distinguished service to the church through writing/communication.”
Hodges’ first experience in journalism was helping his parents publish a semi-weekly newspaper in West Texas. Ordained in 1954, he has served in campus ministry and as a pastor in Texas and California, as well as in Winnipeg with the United Church of Canada. Prior to retirement in 1995, he served as executive presbyter of North Alabama Presbytery.
He was the editor of the PCUSA's newsletter "Monday Morning" from 1996-1999.
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