Horizons Ventures

Horizons Ventures Limited is a venture capital firm based in Hong Kong with a focus on disruptive and technology-focused start-ups. It manages the private investment of Sir Li Ka-shing in the technology, media and telecommunications sector (TMT sector). Investments include DeepMind, (later purchased by Google), Dollar Shave Club (purchased by Unilever), Siri (purchased by Apple), Facebook, Spotify, Impossible Foods and Zoom Video Communications.
In 2007, Horizon Investments invested US$120 million in Facebook. When Facebook went public in 2012, Horizon Investments was estimated to have achieved a return on investment of at least 5 times.
In February 2014, Horizon Investments participated in the investment in Hampton Creek, which is engaged in the research and development of artificial eggs.
On May 31, 2018, Kneron (Keron), a new startup focusing on terminal artificial intelligence solutions.
On May 14, 2022, according to news reports, Horizon Investments is preparing to open an office in Singapore to look for new investment opportunities.
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