Homelessness in the MBTA Subway Station

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) has a very long and in depth history as it has technically been around since the 1600s. The MBTA was technically also the first every subway tunnels. With people being able to get in for very cheap, or for those who sneak in, theoretically, could stay as long as they would like. At many points throughout the night, at many stations, homeless people could be found sleeping in the stations or even on the trains. If these people were minding their own business for the most part it would be fine, but there have been many complaints about homeless people being in stations and on the trains. During the year of 2019, it has been said that there have been more than 130 complaints about homeless people on the train stations. These people fear for their safety, think that it can be dirty because of these people. It is reportedly said that these arm rests were put there to help improve seating for those with disabilities and the elderly.<ref name":2" /> When these armrests were installed, many critics thought that the armrests true purpose was to stop homeless people from sleeping on the benches.<ref name":2" /> The armrests installed makes the benches extremely uncomfortable to sleep on.<ref name":2" /> Many people are against this, as they believe that the T is disguising a hostility against homelessness.<ref name":2" />
In the end, this whole situation results in the big problem. That not all people have homes to sleep in, as some has resorted to sleeping these stations, as these benches are not comfortable at all. As a community we need to help these people get to a place where they can stay safely and can get some real help, other than the few bucks here and there and the small food they might get in the train station.
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