Holothink and other methods for reducing stress

Hi there, welcome to my post about stress management. In the following post you will learn practical stress management. I will share the top 3 things that anyone who is interested in stress relief must know. Breathing The first thing is so obvious that sometimes I feel like it's not even worth mentioning. What do meditations and morning runs have in common? Exactly! It's the correct breathing. A quick way to relieve stress is to deeply exhale for 4 seconds and take a quick breath of air for 1 second. The breathing out has to be long, forcing out almost all the air from your lungs. Replenish your lungs with a quick inhale. This respiration technique brings your mind to a state similar to being drunk.

 Eliminate the negative

If you can watch a snuff video or look away. Look away! If you can listen to some classical music. Please do! You can always make a concious choise, to pick positive instead of negative. Babies and kids and known for their great smiles and soft hearts. Many wonder why. That's because they are oblivious to the evil and wrong things in this world. So let's learn from the kids and surround ourselves by nice things.


 Holothink is yet another effective method for reducing stress, I personall mke a point of listening to this audio for at least 10 minutes a day. It reduces stress and puts me in the right frame of mind to accomplish many different things. I highly recommend it.


Looking from a different angle

You get home and your husband or wife, doesn't run to the door to greet you. One person might think that it's because the person doesn't love you anymore. Yet, for someone else it might indicate that the other party is exhausted or sick. Quick assumptions are often wrong. People are free to assume good as they are to assume the bad. Sometimes you need to challenge your beliefs and assume something is good rather than bad. This will allow you to see things in a different light. We often need that to be objective. The nobles would wait "3 moons" before presenting their disagreements. They believed that 3 nights allowed them to see things in another light. If it worked for kings and queens I think it can work for us as well.

 Click here to find out about other effective methods of stress management .

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