Hipólito Sánchez Rodríguez

Hipólito Sánchez Rodríguez (1853 - February 4, 1947) married Ignacia Agosto after the death of his first wife, Eduviges Aponte Santiago. He was known by the people as "Don Polo Sánchez", he was the donor of the gold altar of the Catholic Church, actually located in the Cathedral of San Juan. He also built in brick the first Catholic Church in Cidra with one tower in that time. He was the first man in Cidra to have a car, a Ford model T in 1928. Hipólito Sánchez is recognized as one of the prominent figures in Cidra history. During his lifetime he amassed a great fortune. The Sánchez-Agosto house, built in the simplified version of the Colonial style in 1919, was located in the Bo.Bayamon of Cidra, just in front of the Cidra's Lake. It was the focal point of a farm complex which included a great balcony around the house with iron balusters, a great stairs in front of the house, 4 bedrooms, two living rooms, dining saloon, a Catholic chapel inside the house which the family used to pray every night. It was a much-loved bluehouse in Cidra. The house was designed by the Arq. Eduviges in 1918. The house was demolished in 1989 and today the only piece of the house that remains is the water box tank and parts of the stairs. He was also a member of the Liberal Party.
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