Here Come the Blobbies

Here Come the Blobbies is a children's picture book written and illustrated by Jorge Antonio Tello Aliaga. The Blobbies are cute creatures that can "blobbiemorph" into many different shapes.
The Blobbies come from Blobbieworld, where every grain of sand, every gust of wind, and every drop of water can feel, talk and smile. It is ruled by the Elemental Blobbies; Blobbie Fire, Blobbie Earth, Blobbie Water, Blobbie Air, and Blobbie Void. Seven new Blobbies in the colors of the rainbow, called Blobbie Colors, are created by Blobbie Fire and given strict orders not to wake up the eldest, Blobbie Void. They live and play until Blobbie Violet becomes bored with the simple shapes of Blobbieworld. It persuades Blobbie Indigo to help it go back into space and wake up Blobbie Void, whom they believe will teach them new shapes. Unfortunately as soon as they wake it up it turns into a portal that lets in evil creatures called Hexicones who attack with freezing beams of darkness. To save the Blobbie Colors, Blobbie Void transports them to an obscure planet called Earth. While there, the Blobbies learn many new and advanced shapes while reading books in a library. Eventually they decide to return and take on the Hexacones. Blobbie Void brings them back and they discover that the Hexacone King is carrying the evil Hexahedron Crystal, the source of their power. Blobbie Green sacrifices himself by turning into a Venus Flytrap and swallowing the beams of darkness so the others can blobbiemorph into Hexacones and launch a surprise attack. Blobbie Indigo wins by blobbiemorphing into a fire breathing batsnake and crushing the crystal. Without it, the Hexacones are freed from its curse and turn back into ordinary Blobbies.
The book was put together using Adobe Indesign Software on a Power Macintosh C4. The illustrations were created using Adobe Photoshop software, Electric Image Universe, Strata 3D Pro, Macromedia Flash, and cheap-o No. 2 pencils.
The back of the book includes a chart that teaches kids about many different kinds of shapes. It also explains the Blobbie Colors' different personalities and the links between intellectual, emotional, physical, and introverted and extroverted.
Other Merchandise
An award-winning line of toys called the Blobbiemorphers was created. The book also included a free adventure CD featuring The Blobbie's Shape Challenge, draft animations from the book, and an interactive personality chart, as well as a song. There was also bonus Icelands Adventure Material.
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