Helen Webberley

Dr Helen Webberley is a UK General Practitioner with specialist qualifications in Sexual Health specialising in the support and treatment of both adults and children experiencing Gender Dysphoria.
Dr Helen Webberley studied medicine at The University of Birmingham and qualified in 1992 with honours in social medicine.
As well as holding the qualification from the Royal College of General Practitioners, Dr Webberley is also a member of the Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Healthcare, having undergone specialist training in the treatment of contraception, sexual dysfunction and sexually transmitted infections. She is also a diplomate of the Institute of Psychosexual medicine and the Society of Genito-Urinary medicine.
Dr Webberley has worked extensively within Sexual Health Services in Worcestershire, where she has provided support for transgender patients. She has also been involved in teaching and training programmes for undergraduates and qualified doctors on issues of discrimination against the trans community within the medical profession, and has developed training materials on the subject. Dr Webberley has been active in teaching throughout her career, this included a period spent teaching civilian and army doctors on all aspects of sexual health.
She worked with The Interactive Skills Unit at The University of Birmingham to produce training materials which included the production of a DVD with the Royal College of General Practitioners, in 2003.
Dr Webberley’s ongoing research into the assessment and care of patients with gender dysphoria includes a live project which seeks to better clarify the current problems in the care received by patients accessing the NHS Gender Clinics. These were outlined in the recent Parliamentary report on transgender equality which found serious deficiencies in health treatment of trans people.
Speaking engagements
A firm advocate of the work carried out by Mermaids, GIRES and the Samaritans, Dr Webberley regularly presents at meetings for the charities. She has been invited to speak at the GIRES AGM and was a guest speaker at a Mermaids conference entitled: New Perspectives on Healthcare Provision for Transgender Youth, alongside Dr Norman Spack.
She was a panel member at an LGBT event organised by Barclays entitled ‘LGBT Elderly: The right for equal care’. Other panel members who took part included Baroness Elizabeth Barker.
She has attended residential courses for children with gender dysphoria as well as contributing to panels on transgender care with co-panelists including Jenny-Anne Bishop OBE.
Dr Webberley is a member of WPATH and has presented at the bi-annual meeting in Amsterdam. She communicates frequently with leading international figures in the field of transg</ref>ender medicine including: Dr Stephen Rosenthal, Clinical Director for transgender care at UCLA in California, (the largest and most highly respected unit in the world) and Dr Norman Spack (Retired Clinical Director at the Boston Transgender Children’s unit) both of whom provide advice and peer review, as does Dr Bryan Timmins at Northamptonshire Gender Identity Clinic].
Dr Webberley has been invited by the eminent sexologist, Professor Milton Diamond, to write a chapter in a forthcoming textbook on trans care.
Dr Webberley sat on the task and finish group for trans care in Wales (Welsh Health and Special Service committee). She chaired the Public Consultation meeting for Wales Transgender care which reported back to the minister. She also presented at the 2017 Faculty of Reproduction and Sexual Health annual meeting in Cardiff.
Dr Webberley is a guest blogger for The Huffington Post on on issues affecting the transgender community. She is also a regular media contributor commenting on all manner of issues relating to general medicine and patient health for lifestyle titles and national news publications (both print and online). She has been the resident doctor for Company Magazine and has appeared on: Channel 4 News, the Victoria Derbyshire Show, BBC Breakfast, the Today Programme and BBC 5 Live Drive.
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