Health Ranger

The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, is a nutrition expert, consumer health advocate and publisher of NewsTarget, an alternative health newsletter founded in 2003 containing more than 1,500 articles that critiques the mainstream food and pharmaceutical industries and offers advice on natural cures for disease and preventative measures, as well as reviews on various products. He has interviewed a variety of alternative health experts such as water therapist Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, sunlight therapist Esther John, and gives away most, if not all, of his articles and e-books on the Internet for free through Truth Publishing while selling some hard copies. One of his books, How to Halt Diabetes in 25 Days, advocates ending all refined sugar and white flour consumption as a means of curing type 2 diabetes. He has also taken pictures magnifying processed meat products as a demonstration of the unappetizing nature of their fat globules when viewed close up. Adams was also listed as among Tomorrow's Leaders by Associates Online. He currently serves on the board of the Consumer Wellness Center.. In 2006, he was quoted in an article by Out & About newspaper. At least one of his articles was reprinted by the National Health Federation.

Personal life
Adams claims to have been overweight, depressed and headed for a painful death fueled by mainstream food products such as donuts when he radically shifted course. He now describes donuts using such terms as "round-shaped piece of a death and disease," "wheel-shaped slow suicide," "little disease time bomb," etc. Indeed, donuts are on his top five list of cancer-causing foods, along with hot dogs, processed meats and bacon, french fries, and chips/crackers/cookies. He claims that since switching to massive quantities of high-antioxidant foods such as blueberries and various superfoods purchased from upscale health stores, his monthly food bill now exceeds his rent payment.

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