Hasia la Zona

hASIA la ZONA is an online television program similar to Zona Asia but for technological reasons the name was changed to Hasia la Zona. On June 6, 2007 it was released on DVD. It is a program dedicated to Asian shows from countries including South Korea, India (Bollywood, Telugu), Japan and China. It is hosted by Wayra.
The show is divided into seven segments:
*Retratos ("paintings") - a biography of various artists.
*Fragmentos ("fragments") - clips of dramas, movies, and TV series.
*Canciones ("songs")
*Qué pasó ("what happens") - weekly news.
*Tráiler ("trailer") - previews of upcoming TV series and movies.
*Mi banda ("my band") - biographies of various musical groups.
*Karaoke - translated songs.
* Season 1: released June 6, 2007
* Season 2 : released February 9, 2008
* Season 3 : released April 8, 2009
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