Harvey Frank Robbins is a land-owner who has been engaged in "a tense and prolonged conflict government land-management officials" over his Cattle ranch near Thermopolis, Wyoming, resulting in a Supreme Court case claimed to be "potentially far more dangerous to the rights of property owners than the notorious Kelo v. New London decision." The previous owner of the ranch had given an easement over the land to the Bureau of Land Management, but the BLM failed to record the easement, so it ended when Robbins purchased the land. According to an article in Legal Times by two supporters of Robbins: They claim that decision exposes federal employees to damages liability merely for carrying out their regulatory duties for the benefit only of the government, not themselves. The case also raises questions about RICO's applicability towards government officials, and "hether the Fifth Amendment protects against retaliation for exercising a 'right to exclude' the government from one’s property outside the eminent domain process".