Hélène de Kuegelgen

Baroness Hélène de Kuegelgen (1 January 1879 - 8 February 1948), from a well-connected Russian family, probably committed suicide with her partner of more than 50 years, Dora Ohlfsen-Bagge.
Hélène (or Elena) de Kuegelgen was the daughter of Pavel Kuegelgen and Alexandra Zhudlovsky. She was from a well-connected family of Balten Germans, with one uncle a physician to the Tsar and another editor of the Petersburger German newspaper. Her family also had several prominent artists, two of them court painters. and they were living there for almost 50 years.
The two women are buried together at the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome, Campo Cestio, Zone 1.15.28, under the relief bust of the god Dionysius, one hand raised in a gesture of blessing.
Their tombstone reads: "Dora Ohlfsen Bagge / Australiana per nascita / Italiana di cuore / E per benemeranze nella guerra 1915-1918 / Musicista pittrice scultrice insigne / Baronessa Helene De Kuegelgen / Ricca di filantropiche virtu / Anime elette - Amiche inseparabili / Trovarono assieme l'eterno riposo / Il 7 Febbraio 1948 / Nell'ultima espressione di un'amicizia / Più forte della morte / Signore, dona loro la pace dei buoni!" Translate: "Dora Ohlfsen Bagge / Australian by birth / Italian by heart / And for benevolence in the 1915-1918 war / Famous sculptor painter musician / Baroness Helene De Kuegelgen / Rich of philanthropic virtuosity / Elected souls - Inseparable friends / They found together the eternal rest / On 7 February 1948 / In the last expression of a friendship / Stronger than death / Lord, give them the peace of good!"
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