Growl, Bengals, Growl

"Growl, Bengals, Growl" is the official fight song of Idaho State University. It was created in 1948 by Jay Slaughter, Del Slaughter, and John Foreman when Idaho State became a four year university. The school was originally looking for a fight song in 1913 when student body offered five dollars to whoever could write the best school song. The title is similar to cross-state rival Idaho Vandals song Go, Vandals, Go.
Growl, Bengals, growl!
Fight, Bengals, fight!
Gnash your teeth and bare your claws and drive with all your might!
Roar, Bengals, roar, you decide our fate!
Bring the vict'ry home to us, you Bengals of Idaho State!
I... S... U... I, S, U, Fight! ISU Fight! ISU Fight! Go! Go! Go Bengals, Go!
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