Gregory Katz

Gregory Katz is a French professor of medicine, who holds the Chair of Innovation & Value in Health at the University of Paris School of Medicine. He is founding director of the VBHC Consortium. In 2019-2020, EIT Health - a body of the European Union - commissioned Katz to publish a report entitled Implementing Value-Based Health Care in Europe: Handbook for Pioneers.
Academic Life
From 2004 to 2015, Katz was Chaired Professor of Therapeutic Innovation at ESSEC Business School (Paris-Singapore) and co-Director of the ESSEC Institute of Health Economics & Management. As visiting professor at INSEAD, he taught corporate social responsibility in the Department of Asian Business & Comparative Management in Singapore. In 2016, Katz joined the University of Paris School of Medicine, where he conducts research in Value-Based Health Care, and trains medical doctors in innovation management. He sits on advisory committees and expert panels of institutions such as the French Haute Autorité de Santé, the French Senate, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations. a philosophical essay on DNA. He has been used as an expert by the French Senate.
As part of the 2011 debate on French bioethics laws, Gregory Katz was involved in the drafting of a bill sponsored by Senator Hermange to establish the status of stem cells contained in umbilical cord blood. Before this, such cells were considered "biological waste", with no defined legal status, the legal status of these stem cells was not clearly defined by French law. The bill was passed in 2011 by the French Senate and National Assembly.
Katz's publications analyze the economic and organizational implications of biomedical innovations, with a focus on genomics and stem cell banks. His core expertise is Value-Based Health Care, the development of patient-reported outcome measurements (PROMs), and the impact of transparency on medical practices and health systems.
In 2002, Katz published Le Chiffre de la vie: réconcilier la génétique et l’humanisme, a philosophical essay on DNA (Editions du Seuil).
*G. KATZ-BENICHOU, Le chiffre de la vie : réconcilier la génétique et l’humanisme, Paris, Seuil, 2002 ()
Awards and Nominations
Katz was awarded the San Benedetto international prize in 2008 for his achievements in bioethics and humanism. He was invited to speak at the 2015 Grand Rounds lectures at the Fielding School of Public Health, UCLA.
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