Greg Hoffman

Three Greg Hoffman's - Internet Marketing Gorilla, Real Estate Agent in Vegas and a Hypnotherapist. All three want to share this page so please read more.

The first, Greg W. Hoffman, is known as the Internet Marketing Gorilla and is the Senior Affiliate Manager for Kowabunga, based in Clearwater, Fla.

He previously worked as the Internet Marketing Manager at Thompson Group in Tampa, Fla. In 1999, Hoffman started the Tarpon Agency, a Seminole, Fla. based public relations and marketing communications firm with clients in the boating, health care and solid waste industries. Early in his career, Hoffman worked as a newspaper reporter at the Tampa Tribune, The Rome News Tribune, The Marietta Daily Journal and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He is a graduate of the University of South Florida.

The second Greg Hoffman grew up on the Jersey Shore, about an hour south of NYC. He joined the Marine's two weeks out of HS and did his boot camp at Parris Island, SC. After which he attended college at the University of South Florida in Tampa. While in college Greg completed off campus studies in Europe and North Africa.

Once he graduated from college, he moved to Las Vegas and has lived there for 16 years. His work experience has been in Advertising, Mortgage Banking, and Real Estate. His wife's name is Samai and she is a native of Thailand. She is fluent in Thai, Lao and German. Greg's dog's name is Namtan (meaning sugar in Thai).

The third Greg Hoffman is a NGH Certified Hypnotherapist who has received advanced hypnotherapy training in the 5-PATH™ Hypnotherapy and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® through the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services. Greg works in all areas of hypnosis including smoking cessation, habit control, weight loss, fears and phobias, but has a special interest in helping those who want to relieve and manage everyday stress and anxiety.

He is also a Certified Hands on Healer and has been doing energy work and ear candling for about 11 years. Greg received his certification in Hands on Healing through the Echo Bodine Center and has studied many other alternative healing modalities including herbalism and aromatherapy. Greg is also a certified ARCH practioner and has studied under Alberto Villodo and his teachers from The Four Winds Society.
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