Green Messiah

Green Messiah is a novel by the author Luke Andreski about the genesis of a religion which gives a framework to humanist, anti-materialistic environmental belief.

William Tarkovsky, the central protagonist of Andreski’s novel, is profoundly afraid for his children’s future in the face of potentially cataclysmic climate change. Determined to find a way to transform the social processes that he believes are driving humanity towards extinction he is inspired to create a religion - a means of challenging the global polluters from within.
New Creationism, the religion that Tarkovsky creates, argues for a radical restructuring of our society - its ‘creation anew’ - along the lines of humanism, sustainability and service.
Andreski’s (and Tarkovsky’s) New Creationism states that our existing political structures will be inadequate to protect the future of our species; that other contemporary religions will be unable to preserve humanity in the face of environmental meltdown; and that our values and aspirations must radically change if we are to survive. New Creationism scathingly repudiates our society’s narcissism and selfishness and greed.
These beliefs are documented in The Book of New Creation , a work which is distinct from the novel Green Messiah. An extract from The Book of New Creation can be found below.
Further detail about both The Book of New Creation and the novel Green Messiah is available at
of New
‘Now is the time to be afraid’
Ordinance the first
Now is the time to be afraid
The time has come to embrace our fear
When animals know fear, what do they do?
When animals know fear they run away -or turn and fight
We are the turners and the fighters
We will face the menace squarely
We are strong
We will look upon our enemy with wide unblinking eyes
We are strong
We will overcome this menace that rushes towards us
We are strong
We will meet our enemy face to face
But who is our enemy?
What is this menace?
From where does it come?
Ordinance the second
We are the menace

We are the enemy
The enemy is ourselves
Ordinance the thirty-first
We are part of a mission that began when life began, that will not cease until all life ceases. We are a part of the great, thrusting project of evolution, within which we will never be alone, as part of which we have not just one life but a thousand million lives
‘There are dead zones in our oceans’
Ordinance the forty-second
There are dead zones in our oceans, expanding with each season and never contracting
Ordinance the forty-third
There are nil zones of ozone high above our heads
Ordinance the forty-fourth
The glaciers whose melt-waters feed our valleys and our fields are vanishing while we sleep
Ordinance the forty-fifth
The ice caps that reject the sun’s heat are melting with the heat of our industry and consumption
Ordinance the forty-sixth
The permafrost that holds ancient marshland in place is de-frosting and unleashing its contagion
Ordinance the forty-seventh
The seas that feed and sustain our world are rising and baring their teeth
Ordinance the forty-eighth
The very air that we breath grows warmer than it should be, grows cold where it should be warm
Ordinance the forty-ninth
Storms smash our cities, kill our people and destroy our crops
Ordinance the fiftieth
The species that abut our species are dying all around us
Ordinance the fifty-first
We are on the brink of the apocalypse

Ordinance two hundred and twenty-fourth
In humanism, sustainability and service we shall find courage. In New Creation the animal in the man is harnessed, the alien is made human, the human becomes keeper of itself
In New Creation we are one
In New Creation we are strong
Ordinance two hundred and twenty-fifth
Disagree - and you define us
Become our enemy - and you will make us stronger
Change - and gain meaning
Join us - and know purpose
Ordinance two hundred and twenty-sixth

Self-change is our weapon
Self-sacrifice is our weapon
Service to our species and service to our world is our purpose
Unity and belonging are our strength
Imagination and thought are our strength
Dedication and commitment are our strength
Dedication to humanity and to the service of life everywhere is our strength
It is a strength that our enemies cannot understand
Ordinance two hundred and twenty-seventh
Our enemies will resist us
The self-destructive will resist us
The greedy and the self-obsessed will fight us
But we know who is wrong and who is right, without resorting to fear or superstition
And they know who is wrong and who is right, but their perceptions rest upon irrational belief...
Ordinance two hundred and twenty-eighth
We alone have the strength of true belief, untrammelled by prejudice or parable or myth
We alone have the strength of unity and meaning
We alone are the adults of our species
We alone are wardens to our world
They shall want and need and crave
and we shall stand before them with a level gaze
And if we fall beneath their weapons, we shall fall fulfilled
And if they kill us they will succeed in killing only themselves
Ordinance two hundred and twenty-ninth
Our eyes are the eyes of humans everywhere
Our children are their children
Our future is their future
We will not stand aside and watch their self-destruction
We will not appease their societies of superstition or greed
We will not abase ourselves before their edifice of wealth
We are casting off their shackles of pointlessness
Our purpose is irrefutable
Ordinance two hundred and thirtieth
Disagree - and you define us
Become our enemy - and you will make us stronger
Change - and achieve meaning
Join us - and live forever
^ Bristol Evening Post, UK, 5th May, 'Is being green the new religion?'
^ 1 Copyright © Luke Andreski 2009. The right of Luke Andreski to be identified as the author of both Green Messiah and The Book of New Creation has been asserted by him. He has given permission for this text from The Book of New Creation to be displayed in this specific entry but not to be reprinted or displayed elsewhere.
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