Grand Alliance of the Sclaveni

Is the process of tribal unions, among a large group or groups of Slavic peoples.
Migrations of the Sclaveni occurred in a number of years, the first recorded
Slavic migration happened in 577 AD.
The second wave of Slavic migration was in 610 AD, towards the Balkan region of
the Roman Empire. The sclaveni numbered well over 20 to 30 groups or tribes.
Grand alliances occurred and autonomous Slavic realms had formed.
The first recorded alliance in Serbia was brought about under King Vlastimirovic
the Kingdom of Rascia had formed after the union of the Serbian Slavs.
Under the authority, guidance and by order of King Prebond an alliance of
the sclaveni tribes occurred possibly in 612 AD or 613 AD, forming the Kingdom
of Belzetia.
Slavic unions also occurred in Dalmatia and Bosnia possibly earlier in
580 AD.
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