Go-Slow Lagos

Traffic congestion in Lagos, Nigeria, also known as Go-Slow' among Lagosians, is one of the main characteristics of its urban exceptionalism. A phenomenon that has provoked the interest of urban planners around the world in trying to understand how that extreme metropolitan complexity could be chaotic, yet self-organized and self-sufficient.
The project originates from the preliminary exploration of new media artists on Lagos traffic congestion. Establishing Go-Slow as a conceptual framework, it aims to explore the city of Lagos in the infinite ways in which it is inhabited and used by its citizens. The project looks at how the daily rhythm of the city informs the different activities taking place in the center of Lagos and determines the dynamics of its social infrastructure.
Lagos slang for traffic jam / the most common phrase used in Lagos / the generally accepted excuse when late for an appointment / the equalizer between the bourgeois and the masses / the no respecter of authority / the biggest headache of the Lagos state government / the thunder from down under / the rumble in the jungle / a Lagos culture / the worse imaginable traffic nightmare / a gridlock that makes vehicles useless / too many cars and no roads / a culture of Congestion.
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