Global Issues Initiative

The Global Issues Initiative is a podcast series created by students from the Woodside Priory School. Created in the fall of 2007 in a class called "Global Issues," it releases episodes once a year featuring interviews of Bay Area professionals whose careers are geared towards tackling a pressing global issue. The project is currently underdevelopment, but episodes will be available for download on the internet and via iTunes soon.

Fall 2007 Class
The first group of students to be part of the Global Issues Initiative were: Byrd Bannick '09, Laura Christian '08, Claire Dennis '09, Jodey Glaser '09, Andras Helmeczi '09, Anna Lee '09, Tim Lin '08, Robert Leumers '08, Erik Lyon '08, Jasmine Madavi '08, Max Magnuson '08, Sheila Mikailli '08, Lara Tenenbaum '09, Maddie Turner '08, Claire Watson '09, Markus Wilhite '09.

Interview Subjects
Season One Episodes

Ronald Morgan, the founder and CEO of Faraday Motor Works, an electric car company, was interviewed in December 2007 by Tim Lin, Robert Leumers, and Byrd Bannick.

Silvestro Bakhiet, a refugee from Southern Sudan who fled the Second Sudanese Civil War, was interviewed in December 2007 by Max Magnusson, Adras Helmeczi, Laura Christian, and Jodey Glaser.

Emily Sugihara, designer and founder of Baggu Bags, a chic reusable shopping bag, was interviewed in December 2007 by Jasmine Madavi, Sheila Mikailli, and Maddie Turner.

Jason Doherty, founder of the Daraja Academy, a secondary school in Kenya, was interviewed in December by Anna Lee, Claire Watson, and Claire Dennis.

"The Lost Interview" featured Laura and Tom, both involved in making Stanford University's campus more sustainable, was conducted in December 2007 by Erik Lyon, Markus Wilhite, and Lara Tenenbaum but was unfortunately lost due to technical errors.

In Feburary 2008, the entire class is planning to interview Annie Leonard, creator of "The Story of Stuff," an educational movie about consumption and production of goods. Annie and the class first met through exchanges over youtube.

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