Global Catastrophic Risk Institute

The Global Catastrophic Risk Institute (GCRI) is a nonprofit think tank specializing on the topic of global catastrophic risk (GCR). GCRI works with researchers from many academic disciplines and professionals from many sectors.
GCRI leads research, education, and professional networking on GCR. GCRI research aims to identify and assess the most effective ways of reducing the risk of global catastrophe, as well as the issues raised by GCR. GCRI education aims to raise awareness and understanding about global catastrophic risk among students, professionals, and most of all by the general public. GCRI networking aims to build community between researchers and professionals in other sectors (e.g. scientific sub-disciplines) so that the best ideas on ways to adapt and recover from GCR can be implemented. The GCRI broad approach of research, education, and networking aims to identify how a variety of different people can get involved in GCR and to create opportunities for them to do so.
GCRI was founded in 2011 by Seth Baum and Tony Barrett.
As of July 2013, GCRI is a project of the fiscal sponsorship organization Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs.
* GCRI research associate, Dr. David Denkenberger explains in Feeding Everyone No Matter What how to feed humanity after a global catastrophe that wipes out conventional agriculture.
* National Geographic relied on GCRI to explain why geoengineering may not work forever.
* Scientific American reports how Hurricane Sandy could provide a forewarning of the GCRs such as climate change.
GCRI is geographically decentralized, meaning that it has no central headquarters and its affiliates are located in many places.
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