
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, a girallon is a magical beast.
Publication history
The girallon appeared in the third edition Monster Manual (2000), and in the 3.5 revised Monster Manual (2003).
The girallon appeared in the fourth edition in Monster Manual 3 (2010).
A girallon is a more intelligent, more dangerous, more unusual version of the gorilla. It is eight feet tall and covered in white fur, though other hues are known to exist, and has four arms. Some depictions show them with a dinosaur's tail.
Girallons are savage creatures. They stalk in temperate forests, walking on their legs and two lower arms, and conceal themselves in piles of leaves or behind trees when victims come near. It then bursts its way out and attacks. The girallon picks up and takes away smaller opponents, often before any companions it has can do anything, while larger opponents it tears to shreds with its four, deadly, muscular arms.
If a girallon hits with two or more of its claws at a time it performs a rend attack, savagely tearing at the flesh of an opponent.
They cannot speak, being animals.
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