Giovanni Guida

Giovanni Guida (born 1992) is an Italian artist, painter and illustrator. His pictorial works are made with the technique of grattage.
Giovanni Guida was born in Acerra but grew up in Cesa, Caserta. In 2015, he graduated with honors in Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples.
His painting is based on the dynamic value of the 'sign', with soft and sinuous lines that intertwine and intersect each other. He deepens his research on color and light, moving towards an abstract art, through the surrealist techniques of grattage He aims to respond to the unexpected signs and shapes created by the plot, scraping away the paint, almost ripping the "Veil of Maya" that covers the essence of things (reference to the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer). In his refined "grattages" (characterized by the removal of the still fresh paint on the canvas) the deep scratches created bring out the bright colors of the underlying pictorial layers and create chromatic and chiaroscuro contrasts.
In 2016-2017, his painting "Caesarius Diaconus" (icon of Caesarius of Terracina, tutelary saint of Roman emperors) was exhibited in famous museums, cathedrals and basilicas in the world (Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Corsica, Germany, United States of America, England, Israel, Philippines, Croatia and Slovakia).
On 1 May 2019, he won the competition "Faces of politics", organized by the Valenzi Foundation
In March 2020, his illustration "God fights the Coronavirus above the world in order to end the Covid-19 pandemic" (And you'll be cured of all diseases.. and I'll take care of you) had gone viral and it was published in many important newspapers. The illustration is inspired by the fresco "The Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants" by Michelangelo Buonarroti - part of the decoration of the vault of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican - and to the text of Italian song "La cura" by Franco Battiato.
In 2020 he created the work "Apotheosis of Dante Alighieri in Florence: the Love that moves the sun and the other stars" on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of the great Italian poet, writer and politician (1321-2021).
His illustrations have been published in many important newspapers: Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, , Avvenire, L'Osservatore Romano, Il Foglio, Il Secolo XIX, Leggo, La Nazione, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Messaggero Veneto, Famiglia Cristiana, Gente, La Voce di New York, The Epoch Times, Diocesan Museum of Monreale;); Glastonbury Abbey; Saint Anthony's Chapel in Pittsburgh; ; Manila Cathedral (by the cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle,
*"Seven Works of Mercy", Pio Monte della Misericordia, Naples, 6-18 April 2018.
*"Faces of politics', Museum PAN, Naples, 1-19 May 2019.
*"Art & Wellness Festival", Museum PAN, Naples, November 23-December 1, 2019.
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