GetSome Entertainment

GetSome Entertainment

Getsome Entertainment is an Independent record label founded by Stefon Stilwell Getsome Entertainment is sometimes referred to as Getsome Records inde. His partner Joshua McDermott is a Recording Engineerand a Producer. Stefon takes care of all the Business advertising and promoting, while Joshua is the Technical and Manages the Artist's.

* Kayo Da Goon
* Pac-Man
* John Jay
* Killah C
* Chelsea & Cameron
* Young boyz
* Killa B - partnership
* Hugh C
* Joshua McDermott
* Alexa Melo
* Young Stone
* Boi King
* Kutta

* Second chance at life
* Wut you Herd
* 14 Mixtapes

Coming Soon
* John JayMixtape
* Young StoneMixtape
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