George K Turyasingura

Rt. Rev. George K Turyasingura (born 1968) is a Ugandan Bishop.
He was consecrated and enthroned as Bishop of East Ruwenzori Diocese on 7th January 2018 at St. Stephen's Cathedral , Kamwenge.He succeded Rt. Rev.Edward A Bamucwanira as the second Bishop of the Diocese.
Name: George K Turyasingura
Place of birth: Nyamucengere,Buhara, Ndorwa County , Kabale District.
Nationality: Ugandan
Citizenship: Uganda
Residence: Kamwenge
Alma mater: Bishop Burham University College ,Kabale.
Spouse: Juliet Turyasingura.
Family and work
His family migrated to Kamwenge in 1980.Amidst challenges of being born in a polygamous family,he completed his primary school from Rwengobe Primary School in Kamwenge District.
He was ordained Deacon in 1998 after completing a Certificate Course in Theology at Bishop Balya Theological College.He was immediately posted as Curate at Kyabenda Parish in the then Ruwenzori Diocese.
He also served as the Sub Dean of Kamwenge Deanery.He was elected by the House of Bishops of the Church of Uganda sitting at Lweza Training and Conference Centre on 11th July 2017..
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