Gennady Matveevich Degtyarev () (October 7, 1932, the city of Arys, Shymkent region of Kazakh SSR — July 21, 2016, Saint Petersburg) — Doctor of Technical Sciences (1990), Professor (2000), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Captain of the 1st rank, retired. One of the authors the theory of self-organization and self-regulation of natural systems D-SELF. Biographi From 1968 to 1988, he served in the 14th and 54th Naval Research Institutes, where he rose from a junior researcher to head of department along the command and administrative line. For his participation in the creation of new equipment for the Navy, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star (1985). After joining the reserve as a captain of the 1st rank in 1988, Gennady Matveevich continued his research work at the 14th Naval Research Institute as a civilian specialist, where he wrote and defended his doctoral thesis (1990). Since 1991, he has worked in scientific positions at the State Research Institute of Applied Problems (St. Petersburg). During this time, a number of scientific research works were carried out under his leadership, the results of which made it possible to clarify the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body and the environment. In 2000, Degtyarev was awarded the academic title of professor. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Gennady Matveevich Degtyarev was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation" for his special services to science. D-SELF theory of SELF-organization and SELF-regulation One of the authors the theory of self-organization and self-regulation of natural systems D-SELF. The name D-SELF was proposed by A.G. Ivanov-Rostovtsev and L.G. Kolotilo in 1989 and first appeared in the collection of scientific articles of the Pulkovo Observatory (Saint-Petersburg). The name D-SELF is an abbreviation of the first letter of the word Double (dual), which refers to two processes whose names begin with the word SELF: SELF-organization and SELF-regulation Main printed works * Degtyarev G. M., Ivanov-Rostovtsev A. G., Kolotilo L. G., Lyubchenko O. A. A model of the genesis and self-regulation of periodic structures in geospheres // Izvestiya RGO. 1990. Vol. 122. Issue 3. pp. 220-229 * Degtyarev G. M., Ivanov-Rostovtsev A. G., Kolotilo L. G., Lyubchenko O. A. Space-time symmetry in open dynamical systems (D-SELF model). Dokl. USSR Academy OF Sciences, 315:5 (1990), 1108-1111. * Degtyarev G. M., Ivanov-Rostovtsev A. G., Kolotilo L. G., O. A. Lyubchenko. Space-time symmetry in open dynamical systems (the D-SELF model) // Dokl. Math., 35:12 (1990), 1062-1064 * Degtyarev G. M., Kolotilo L. G., Lyubchenko O. A. The relationship of the frequency characteristics of lake currents with the parameters of the source of their disturbances // Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 314:6 (1990), 1361-1362. * Degtyarev G. M., Ivanov-Rostovtsev A. G., Kolotilo L. G., Lyubchenko O. A. On coefficients of self-similarity of dynamic processes in natural environments // Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 313:4 (1990), 837-839. * Degtyarev G. M., Ivanov-Rostovtsev A. G., Kolotilo L. G., Lyubchenko O. A. On the relationship of spatial and temporal characteristics of hydrodynamic processes (on the example of lakes) // Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 313:3 (1990), 574-577. * Degtyarev G. M., Ivanov-Rostovtsev A. G. On the re-emission of sound by solid bodies of various geometries // Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 318:5 (1991), 1117-1119. * Degtyarev G. M., Ivanov-Rostovtsev A. G., Pulenets M. L. On the possibility of overcoming the energy barrier in ultrasound technologies // Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 327:2 (1992), 212-213. * Degtyarev G. M., Karpichenko E. A., Karpichenko S.E. On the reason for the variation of empirical Struhal coefficients in separation currents // Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 348:5 (1996), 671-672 * Degtyarev G. M., Nosov V. N., Shpakov P. D. Large-scale invariance of processes of self-organization and self-regulation in nature and society. St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2012. 186 p. * Degtyarev G. M. Memorable fragments of my "Neptuniade". St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2007. 156 p.