Generation Q

Generation Q was a generation where kids from the 1983-1987 era spawned in the mid-90s, during the Clinton era and ended sometime around 2005. Dubbed the Quiet Generation, this generation was referred to as an end to sex, drugs and rock n' roll. It officially ended the Punk Rock cultural heave towards Grunge and rock music that the previous generation, Generation X had gone by. The generation started as an emphasis on Pop-culture, conspiracy theories, and videogames underlying a subculture of computer technology. Pop-culture combined with videogames and movies was idealized during its peak while mainstream politics were suppressed. Politics were continued to be ignored even after the 9-11 attacks. The generation officially ended with a major perspective on how we looked at technology in mainstream culture.
Observed Traits
Beginning with subculture, the generation commonly re veered bad movies, and internet lingo. The generation was built on a premise of underground respect, instant messenger, and gaming online.
The relevance of Sports and Entertainment was also present. Entertainment franchises such as Skateboarding, and Wrestling were present in a small cultural atmosphere. Music from the mainstream coincided with local underground music. Connections with present technologies and entertainment was readily available.
Generation Q was highly critical upon ruined franchises, and bad technology. This generation grew up on cultic behavoir. Such examples are so called the 'Sonic Cult'. A videogame character masquerading as a blue hedgehog. Another is the underground cult of watching old movies such as Mystery Science Theatre, or Star Wars. The differences between this generation though was that it had a corporate-like attitude at the end of a present era of entertainment. Such included comics, videogames, anime and computergames and extended to mainstream technology. To all of this there was a darkside, in example, a darker Batman and a real-world Watchmen in comics and violent games such as Doom contributed to negative bleak real world politics. One major event for instance is the Columbine High Massacre and the politics of violent games. Another is faster cars, more powerful guns, and a diverse fascination with japanese culture. This was all combined to form a lingo or form of communication. The era revered commercialized ideas as well as rejected certain forms of entertainment.
After major world events impacted nations such as 9-11, the generation infiltrated the news media with such sources from Alex Jones. Conspiracies on UFOs and Government cover-ups about 9-11 arose on the internet as well as the Moon Landing Hoax theory coming back into fruition.
The generation ended sometime between 2003 and 2005 with overhauled criticism of mainstream games and movies. The new major players of the generation continued in mainstream internet communication devices and took its place in services such as Youtube, Twitter, Myspace, and Facebook.

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