Gaspar Le Gecko

Gaspar Le Gecko is the main ficitonal villain from the television series Brandy & Mr. Whiskers. Gaspar proclaimed himself the king of the jungle. Gaspar also has his monkey henchmen to do all his dirty work. He is voiced by Andre Sogliuzzo and later Billy West.

In the first segment of the first episode, Gaspar plans to eat Mr. Whiskers, so he created a diversion for Brandy to use the map for finding Florida. Just then, Brandy was forced to save Whiskers when she is having an illusion that Whiskers keeps appearing when he told Brandy that they always will be friends. In the end, Gaspar and his monkey henchmen fell over a cliff.

In the episode called "Lucky Rabbit's Foot", Gaspar is at his lair, and also got so many luck charms, and he needs a rabbit's foot, and the only bunny in the jungle is Mr. Whiskers. There is chase scene where Gaspar ordered his henchmen to chase Whiskers, and Whiskers' good luck has gone. In the end, Brandy is doing a bad luck to Gaspar. In the second segment of episode 5, Gaspar is greedy for more shiny rocks. The only one who has more rocks is Brandy, and Gaspar blackmails her to get them. Gaspar has the antidote for Brandy's age-regressing skin enhancer, but will only give it to her if Brandy will give her rocks to Gasper, and she does.

In the episode called "The Big Game", Gaspar tells the rules that if Brandy's team wins, he will stop bothering them, but if Gaspar wins, he has to date one of the members of Brandy's team. Gaspar has a secret weapon, and the secret weapon is: Ed. In the end, Gaspar ended up dating Mr. Whiskers.

In the episode called "Believe in the Bunny", Gaspar's cousin visited at the jungle, and tells that he should be eatting big animals, just like in Texas. When Mr. Whiskers said that the Easter bunny is coming, Gaspar and his cousin got an idea: Eat the Easter bunny. When Brandy is dognapped by Gaspar and his cousin, she tries to tell them that she is not the Easter bunny. Gaspar and his cousin has a better idea: Eat Brandy, but Whiskers and the gang stops Gaspar and his cousin from eating Hopkin Green Frog.

In "What Price Dignity?!" Gaspar offers Brandy an expensive designer dress if she will pretend to be his girlfriend while his mother visits. In the end, however, his "mother" turns out to be another gecko hired just to PLAY his mother, so he would have an excuse to go out with Brandy, who is less than thrilled to find out.
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