
GarlicSim is an open source framework for working with computer simulations.
GarlicSim is written in Python and is currently distributed under the LGPL license.
Every GarlicSim simulation must have a concept of a world state and a step function.
A world state can be thought of as a frozen moment in time in the world of the simulation. It contains all the information there is about that moment in time in the simulation.
For example, in simulations of Physics, a world state might describe the positions, velocities and accelerations of bodies. As another example, in simulations of cellular automata, a world state will describe the value of each cell in the grid.
A step function takes a world state, and outputs the next world state.
Simulation packages
GarlicSim is not specific to any field of study. To make a simulation with GarlicSim, a simulation package, or simpack, must be used.
For example, a researcher interested in simulating Bridge games will need to use a Bridge simpack. He may write it on is own or use an existing one. That simpack will define the step function for Bridge games, and will allow the researcher to create as many simulations as he needs.
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