Game events

Game events have not just been those that teenagers go to and see all the flashy booths that advertise their favorite games. Game events have historically been a multi-faceted part of the game industry that composes events ranging from the professional to the very leisurely.
Some of the events have often been more of a mix between the specific categories with conferences and conventions being the most common mix. Generally though, events are attended either by professionals or casual industry attendees, manned and produced by professional coordinators and game developers.
Starting at the top, the game events industry has been often divided into these categories: conferences, conventions, casual events, and educational events. Historical listing of computer game conferences and other professional events:
Game conferences have typically been used for the purpose of developers discussing game industry developments, the past history of gaming, and the direction toward the future the industry is taking. They are also considered prime networking events for professionals in the game industry.
* Casual Connect
* DICE Summit
* Game Career Seminar
* Gamefest
* Games Conference
* Indie Game Conference
* Independent Games Festival
* IMGDC 3.0
* Living Game Worlds
* Serious Games Summit
* Triangle
* Women In Games
Conventions have been around longer than conferences, but are a more casual atmosphere that combine a lot of other qualities. Areas of the convention floor are often filled with booths showing off products in addition to rooms meant for more conference oriented sessions. Kids and a younger audience, combined with a more hyped event, describe conventions.
* Consumer Electronics Show
* China Joy
* Computex
* Engage! Expo
* Game Design Expo
* GameX
* GO3 "E3"
* Gstar
* Games Convention
* Tokyo game show
Casual Events
These type of events have been around the longest of all events. While they may have some qualities of conferences, they are much more like conventions but completely open to the public. They are also often smaller than conventions and cater to a tighter focused group of individuals or type of game player.
* BlizzCon
* Comic-Con International
* Eve Online Fanfest
* Fanime Con
* FFXI Fan Festival
* Gen Con
* Penny Arcade Expo
* QuakeCon
* SOE Fan Faire
Educational Events
Educational events are the smallest type of event, otherwise known as symposiums. Often held at educational centers as key universities, educational events are only a day or two in length and focus on a specific topic in the game industry. There are little to no booths or displays as conventions have, and may not even have professional game industry members attending. They often have a large presence of students, typically from the university the event is established at.
* Develop Symposium
* Game Dev. eXchange
* Game Education Summit
* Game Festival and Symp.
* Sandbox (SIGGRAPH)
* Virtual U and Beyond
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