G.I. (comics)

G.I. is the name given to the Genetic Infantry in the Rogue Trooper universe. The name is a play on the original World War II G.I.
They were developed by Souther scientists in a bid to create a genetically modified supersoldier. Because of the widespread use of powerful NBC weapons, Nu-Earth had become toxic and conventional troops were weighed down by environmental suits. To overcome this scientists created the G.I.
G.I's are engineered for strength and endurance:
*immune to almost all known poisons
*can submerge in strong acid unaffected.
*can withstand the vacuum of space and non-atmospheric planets
The G.I. Friday is a clone from Rogue, and created by the Clavel Corporation for their own ends.
Genetic Infantrywomen
Genetic Infantrywomen had a range of uses. The G.I. Dolls were initially designed for covert ops (infiltration and assassination) but this angle was dropped after the Quartz Massacre in favour of bedroom duties, earning them nicknames like "General Issue Bed Warmers" and "Milli-Com R&R Units". Some, like Rafaelle Blue, took up other roles including fighter pilots.
As the G.I.s body was cloned it was considered expendable. Only the training and experience was thought useful and this was backed up on biochips inserted into the G.I.s' brains. These biochips could then be retrieved from the battlefield and installed into a new body. Due to the Quartz Massacre, Rogue struck out on his own taking with him the chips of three dead comrades, who were installed in his kit to become Helm (on his helmet) Bagman (on his backpack), and Gunnar (on his rifle).
Only one other biochip was discovered during the original series - Major Magnam, whose biochip was inserted into a "MkVI/BRT/EW" officers pistol. His biochip depicted his skull smoking a cigar and the letter "M" rather than a number. During "To the ends of Nu-Earth" Rogue faked his own death by creating an ad-hoc biochip which had voice synthesisers on both sides of the chip and no number.
Famous G.I.s
*Tor Cyan
*Venus Bluegenes
*Rafaelle Blue
*Major Magnam
*The old G.I. an aged trooper and one of the very first created prototypes. His life expectancy was 24 hours in the field, but he had survived to die of old age while Rogue defended him from attacking Norts.
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