Futureperfect organization


FuturePerfect Organization is a term used to describe a new global business paradigm.


The FuturePerfect Organization is a business model defined in the book, “The FuturePerfect Organization – Defined by Quantum Leadership” written by William A. Guillory Ph.D., Christopher Harding and Daniel Guillory. It is defined as “the prototype high-performance organization of the 21st century.” Using “Quantum-Thinking”, a FuturePerfect Organization leaps into the future to define business and societal paradigms. This is done through the evaluation of the historical evolution of an organization to make projections for the future.

The FuturePerfect Organization model focuses on the past, present and future while organizing:

  1. Knowledge (intellectual capital)

  2. People (employees)

  3. Cooperation (maximizing teamwork)

The model focuses on teamwork, leadership, and connectedness.
(From The FuturePerfect Organization – Defined by Quantum Leadership)

Example – Paradigm 2005 – A Unity of One

In order to survive into the future – and to personally secure employment – this organization has developed the following principles of Operation and a corresponding strategic objective.

  1. Teamwork – Team and organizational success is more important than individual success, e.g., reward/acknowledgement/compensation for teaming is greater than for individual achievement.
  2. Information Sharing – There is no individual ownership of knowledge, ideas, resources, etc., e.g., assets—tangible or intangible—are comprehensively shared throughout the organization.
  3. Cooperation – The comprehensive integration of collaboration dominated the organizational operation, e.g., practically every task is performed as collaborative learning.

  4. Multidimensional Employees – Everyone is multi-skilled or has cross-functional competencies, e.g., every employee is skilled to perform someone else’s responsibilities.

  5. Self-Directed Performance – Individuals operate as “intrapreneurs” and teams operate as “special forces teams,” e.g., employees are self-led and self-managed, and teams are self-directed for exceptional performance.

  6. Customer Integration – Every activity in the organization is a seamless process of exceeding customer expectations, e.g., customer and provider are an interwoven, inseparable team.

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