Free texture

Free texture or free textures refers to the source images that are used for the creation of video games, artwork, engineering projects or other commercial applications.

These images can be taken with digital cameras or scanned into digital format with regular film. SLR cameras create the best texture photos because of their superior shutter speed and aperture settings.


"Free Textures" generally come with a few different licensing attachments:

GNU Free Documentation License - Written by the Free Software Foundation. People are required to attribute the work to you, and if they make changes or incorporate your work in their work, they are required to share their changes or work under the same license.

Creative Commons: Attribution-ShareAlike - This is one of several CC licenses. This version permits free use, including commercial use; requires that you be attributed as the creator; and requires that any derivative creator or redistributor of your work use the same license. The desired attribution text should be included as a parameter in the template.

Creative Commons: Attribution - Similar to the above, but does not require that derivative works use the same license.

Free Art license - A copyleft license for artwork; modification and commercial use are allowed, provided derivative works carry the same license.

Attribution - The copyright holder allows anyone to use it for any purpose, provided that the copyright holder is properly attributed.

Copyrighted Free Use - Same as above, but attribution is not required. However, as a courtesy, you would appreciate a link back to Your website.

Public domain - The creator permanently relinquishes all rights to the work.

Many distributors of free textures use their own licensing option, generally found under their terms and conditions of use.


A low resolution texture is generally 1024x1024 or lower. This has changed since computers and the programs that run on them are much more complex and capable of using larger images with ease.

A high resolution texture would be considered 1024x1024 or higher, with the median size for a "high resolution" image being in the vacinity of 2048x2048 or larger.

Seamless textures are images that when placed side by side do not create edge lines. They tile next to and on top of each other to create a seemingly endless image from one image "seed".
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