Fourth North American blizzard of 2010

The Fourth North American blizzard of 2010 is a storm expected to affect Virginia up to New England on December 26-27, 2010.
Forecasting difficulty
5-7 days before the storm, the Euro model consistently showed a threat of a significant East Coast storm. The other models showed that the storm would go out to sea and be a non-event 3 days before the storm. 2 days before the storm, the GFS showed a significant impact, while the Euro had reversed its course and taken the storm out to sea. The other models still had the storm out to sea. For the 12z and 18z runs of the GFS on 12/24/2010, the HPC discarded the model citing initialization errors. The media downplayed the storm since the GFS was the only model at the time showing an extreme solution.
The evening of 12/24/2010 and the 00z model runs on 12/25/2010, all of the models came into agreement about a significant coastal storm. The 06z and 12z model runs further confirmed the severity of the storm. However, since it was Christmas, most media outlets had no staff on duty to report the storm to the public. Additionally, the public had dismissed the event when it was reported on 12/23/2010 that the storm would go out to sea.
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