Floating launch platform

A floating launch platform is a mobile maritime launch platform for launch vehicles. The only floating launch platform is Odyssey, which is used by Sea Launch for equatorial Pacific Ocean launches of the Zenit-3 rocket;
Floating launch platforms can be towed substantial distances across the ocean, to be repositioned for launches. Initially, modified ships were used for the purpose, but specific platforms were later produced for the purpose. The platforms have the benfit of being able to receive or launch space vehicles, in the ocean,
to keep the operation away from populated areas, for reasons of safety. The concept was pioneered in the 1990s, but Russian/international consortiums. China was the first country to own won as a single country national endeavour. The use of a floating launch platform allows for the rocket to be position closer the earth's equator, allowing for better use of the rotation of the Earth. Sea launches all for greater thrust, which makes them more economical as they can carry either heavier satellites, or more of them.
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