Final Fantasy XV

is a console role-playing game to be developed and published by Square Enix. Although not yet formally announced, the game has been discussed by the developer in interviews and is known to currently be in a planning stage.
The possibility of a fifteenth installment in the Final Fantasy series was first made known on February 10, 2000, when Square Co. (Square Enix's predecessor) registered domain names for installments twelve to fifteen. No official reference to the installment was made until May 2009, when series producer Yoshinori Kitase indicated that the company has not yet decided whether Final Fantasy XV will have a rather "medieval" style or a rather "sci-fi" one. In January 2010, Kitase and Final Fantasy XIII director Motomu Toriyama stated that the game has not yet entered development. However, a month later, Kitase revealed in Xbox World 360 that Square Enix staff have got "a few ideas" lined up for the game, but "no singular aim" for where they "want the series to go". He emphasized the idea that each installment is different from the last and that they want to "tell a story that hasn't been told before".
An interview with Square Enix CEO , in January, stating that it remains to be seen whether the company will "continue to internally create" titles similar to the Final Fantasy XIII type of game, prompted some media outlets to wonder about the implications for Final Fantasy XV. Kitase and Toriyama personally interpreted Wada's statement as indicating that future Final Fantasy teams will be "smaller and more effectively run" than the Final Fantasy XIII team was.
It is currently unknown which production team and designers are involved in the planning stage for Final Fantasy XV, as Kitase's use of "we" in his Xbox World 360 interview is vague. Long-time character designer Tetsuya Nomura expressed in 2007 his wish to make Final Fantasy Versus XIII the last numbered installment he works on as director. Toshiyuki Itahana, character designer of Final Fantasy IX and the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles spin-off series, when asked about the possibility of him moving back to the main series with Final Fantasy XV, said he would accept the job although he never had the opportunity to personally chose which projects he worked on.
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