Federation of Macedonian Cultural Artistic Associations of Victoria

The Federation of Macedonian Cultural Artistic Associations of Victoria (FOMKUD) is an ethnic Macedonian organization of Macedonian folk dance and music from Victoria, Australia. It was founded in 1987 and encompasses eight Macedonian cultural and artistic groups in Victoria.
Ilinden Festival
The FOMKUD every year organizes the "Ilinden Festival" "to honour and remember the establishment of the Macedonian state and the sacrifices made by the Macedonian people during the struggle for independence from the Ottoman Empire".
* promotion of Macedonian culture and artistic within the Macedonian community
* promotion and encouragement of understanding of the Macedonian cultural and artistic traditions within the general Australian community
* to uphold the preservation of Macedonian cultural heritage, including language, music and art
* preservation of historical facts
* to participate in and engage in cultural and artistic festivals
* support of cultural festivals in the general Australian community
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