
FasBall is a new team sport that is very fast paced and exciting to play. It can be played in a small area; indoor courts or outdoors. The game FasBall is an acronym for FAST ACTION SPORTS BALL and is a sport similar to American handall.
FasBall was invented in the state of Mississippi, USA in 2009. The first official FasBall court was constructed in Vicksburg, Mississippi (more about this sport can be found on google or youtube). Its inventor, Larry Storey developed rules in the sport and components of the game that would be easy for all to understand, fun and exciting to play and to "even-out" the participants physical make-up, allowing for a more fulfilling competitive game experience to all that participate in it. The sport of FasBall encompasses certain elements of football and basketball and is scored somewhat like tennis.

FasBall is played on any surfaced court that has the following dimensions. Please refer to the court illustration: (A) 50’ Length (lines referred to as boundaries) by (A) 25’ Width (lines referred to as baselines). The opposite ends of the court have two goals (B), similar to basketball, however, the goals are circular targets © The Goals are referred to as “Target Goals”. (Exterior circle dimensions of 26” inches diameter with an interior hole dimension of 14” diameter) (D)The exterior rim of the circular target goal measures approximately 6 feet from the floor. The goals are placed approximately in the center of each baseline, approximately 50 feet in lenght from each other.
The court is divided into two sections defined with a “half-court” line (E) (exactly 25 feet in distance from each baseline). Each court section represents a teams side. The following lines / marks are on the playing court: Line (F) measuring 4 feet in length, referred to as a penalty shooting line (centered and paralleled to the “half-court” line ) is located on each side of the “half-court” line measuring a distance of exactly 4 feet from the “half-court” line. Positioned in front of each goal is a (G) NO-ZONE box measuring 6.0 feet by 6.0 feet. The remaining marks referred to as (H) “zone” lines (1 foot in length) are marked perpendicular to the boundaries approximately 10 feet in distance from each baseline. There are a total of four zone lines on the playing court. The color of markings and lines on the court are as follows: “Baselines”, “Boundary lines”, “half-court lines” and “Zone lines” are in black. “Penalty shooting lines” and the “NO ZONE” markings are in red.
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