Fahrenheit Press

Fahrenheit Press is an independent publisher of crime fiction established in late-2015 by Chris McVeigh, a self-styled "punk publisher" who brings this to his work: "…it was important to me that Fahrenheit Press reflected the punk ethos I’ve carried with me through my whole publishing career."
In an interview with neverimitate, McVeigh says that Fahrenheit Press grew out of "...Frustration...Authors are continually being let down by substandard marketing and promotion". In the same interview he goes on to say that Fahrenheit is built on three key principles: having a hit book is not a matter of chance, effective marketing is predictable and scalable, and everyone can get paid fairly.
In Confessions of a marketing pimp, an article published in The Bookseller, McVeigh espouses his thinking on the state of marketing within the 'traditional' publishing industry; in it, he argues that marketing is boring, that there is a good deal of grunt work and that there is no 'magic' formula. He expresses his frustration with publishing companies that hired him to "to sprinkle some stardust, to pimp their ride" only to "… look like disappointed puppies when I tell them that before they start out harnessing the power of #DarkSocial they'd be better off updating their newsletter software or sorting out their marketing database (or in some cases, building a … marketing database)."
These frustrations about how authors are treated and on how marketing should work underline a driving principle behind the way Fahrenheit operates: that they choose to promote authors rather than titles (and has written extensively on the subject of publishers and authors): "It takes as much effort for us to create a buzz for one book by an author as it does for five books by an author. This approach means that we can publish many more titles while still remaining true to our original ethos."
McVeigh has also stated that Fahrenheit's "... relationship with our authors is key. I know everyone says that, but we mean it. We only work with authors who share our ethos. I’d never work with an author I wouldn’t want to hang out with socially."<ref name=":0" />
While many authors published by Fahrenheit are new or relatively new, some already had successful publishing careers prior to signing, notably Lauren Henderson (perhaps better known as Rebecca Chance) and Fidelis Morgan.
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